Popayán Decaf Espresso
Espresso • Experimental & complex
Complex and winey with deep fruity notes like cherry and blackberry, with dried fruits sweetness.
Producer Various smallholders
Region Popayán, Cauca
Altitude 1500–2070 MASL
Varieties Castillo, Variedad Colombia
Process EA Sugar Cane
Sugar Cane Decaf
The cherries are dried in 1-meter deep static boxes, each capable of holding 15000 litres of cherry, equivalent to 25-30 bags of green coffee. The boxes have a vented grill at the bottom to allow air circulation from below up through the drying coffee. Two thermometers at different depths ensure a safe temperature always below 40°C. The term “static" is used because the coffee remains still in the boxes and isn't turned or rotated during drying. After drying, the coffee rests for approximately 1-2 weeks before milling. This approach has led to the production of more fruity and prominent profiles compared to the usual profile associated with Brazil's natural coffee.