Popayán Decaf Espresso

Popayán Decaf Espresso

Espresso • Experimental & complex

Complex and winey with deep fruity notes like cherry and blackberry, with dried fruits sweetness.

Regular price€65,00
Tax included.

Producer Various smallholders

Region Popayán, Cauca

Altitude 1500–2070 MASL

Varieties Castillo, Variedad Colombia

Process EA Sugar Cane

Sugar Cane Decaf

The cherries are dried in 1-meter deep static boxes, each capable of holding 15000 litres of cherry, equivalent to 25-30 bags of green coffee. The boxes have a vented grill at the bottom to allow air circulation from below up through the drying coffee. Two thermometers at different depths ensure a safe temperature always below 40°C. The term “static" is used because the coffee remains still in the boxes and isn't turned or rotated during drying. After drying, the coffee rests for approximately 1-2 weeks before milling. This approach has led to the production of more fruity and prominent profiles compared to the usual profile associated with Brazil's natural coffee.

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