Mystery Coffee

Mystery Coffee

mystery coffee league

We’re super excited to partner with Mystery Coffee League to bring you February’s Mystery Coffee! This year, we’re proud to roast an extraordinary coffee from xxx at the xxx farm in xxx. Look forward to notes of xxx.

Curious to learn more about this coffee? Join the Mystery Coffee League community and put your sensory skills to the test! Guess the origin, tasting notes, processing method, and more. Brew it your way and compete for exciting prises ✨

Click here to join the community!

Roast date: 04.02.2025 | Net weight: 100 g

Regular price€29,00
Tax included.

About Mystery Coffee League

Community Run by Coffee Nerds

Mystery Coffee League is a friendly competition of the Espresso Club EU Region created to learn and expand our sensory skills. Each month, our Roaster of the Month prepares a Mystery Coffee for us. We’re trying to guess all coffee parameters like origin, tasting notes, processing method, etc., by brewing it as a filter, espresso or just in cupping. At the end of the month, we submit our guesses, and the roaster reveals all the details about the coffee. The club member with the most points for correct answers is our Champ of the Month. At the end of the year, we’ll select Mystery Coffee League Champion of the Year.

Anyone can join the Mystery Coffee League. It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or a coffee geek and if you're brewing mostly filter or espresso. Expanding our sensory skills is a primary goal of Mystery Coffee League. Throughout the month, club members try to guess coffee parameters and discuss coffee on the chat. It's a friendly competition and a great way to meet coffee enthusiasts all over Europe.

However, to make things a little more entertaining, club members with the most points at the end of each quarter and each quarter you have a chance to win Acaia Lunar scale, Option-O vouchers, April Brewer set, Graycano dripper and Kruve glasses!

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