Sebastián Ramírez Geisha
Sebastián Ramírez Geisha

Sebastián Ramírez Geisha

Filter • Floral & light

Floral and aromatic notes of lemongrass, juicy peach, and fresh tropical fruits with acidity and sweetness reminiscent of vanilla and cane sugar.

Regular price€21,00
Tax included.

Producer: Sebastián Ramírez Rodríguez, El Placer Farms

Region: Calarcá, Quindío

Altitude: 1590–1740 MASL

Variety: Geisha

Process: Carbonic Maceration White Honey

White Honey, Carbonic Maceration

The cherries are put into sealed tanks, where they undergo carbonic maceration for 48 hours. After this, the cherries are pulped and slightly washed, with some mucilage remaining on the parchment. The parchment coffee is then spread out on the ground inside structures called "eldas," where they are dried under the sun and covered at night. The drying process is carefully controlled to ensure that the coffee dries slowly until it reaches a humidity level of 9 to 11%.

Sebastián Ramírez

El Placer Farms

The “El Placer" Farms Project is started by Sebastián Ramírez with a goal to produce complex, desirable, and delicious coffees. The farm name El Placer meaning "The Pleasure" in English, is nestled in the heart of El Eje Cafetero (the coffee zone) in Calarcá, Quindío. The farm's elevation of 1744 meters above sea level contributes to the unique flavor profile of its coffee.

Sebastián, a fourth-generation coffee producer, started on his coffee journey fourteen years ago. Through managing his parents’ farm, he gained valuable experience, paving the way for the development of the El Placer project. This initiative began with his family's farm and has since expanded to include partner farms of small coffee producers in Quindío and Huila, such as Andalucía, La Sofía, La Carito, and La Paz.

The El Placer Farms Project is currently located in five coffee farms in the Eje Cafetero, including Calarcá, Tebaida, Pueblo Tapado, Montenegro, and San Adolfo. These farms are situated at an altitude ranging from 1200 to 2100 MASL.

The Generational Relief initiative is another important aspect of the El Placer Farms project

The El Placer farm itself is located between 1,590 and 1,740 MASL in Calarcá, a municipality in the eastern part of the department of Quindío. The lush rolling hills are planted with high-quality varieties such as Pink Bourbon, Geisha, Bourbon Sidra, and Wush Wush. Sebastián focuses his attention on the fermentation process and collaborates closely with Q-graders and Q-Processing professionals to refine his protocols. He is a young and passionate producer who also devotes his time to adopting and caring for rescue dogs. Many of his coffee lots are named after his dog.

Their Processing Centre “El Placer Farms Hacienda Córcega Beneficio Center” is located in Quimbaya and is equipped with the latest technology, allowing the farms belonging to the project to process their coffee using cutting edge techniques. The project has also undertaken a Generational Relief initiative with the primary goal of educating and inspiring young individuals to pursue careers as coffee producers, thus playing a pivotal role in shaping the future generation of coffee producers.

The Generational Relief initiative is another important aspect of the El Placer Farms project. It aims to educate and inspire young individuals to pursue careers as coffee producers, ensuring the continuity of the coffee production industry.

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