Sebastián Ramírez Pink Bourbon

Filter • Floral & light

Complex and herbaceous notes with a layer of lavender, florals, grapes, winey, juicy acidity and a sweet, long herbal finish.

Regular price€23,00
Tax included.

Farm El Placer Farms

Region Calarcá, Quindío

Altitude 1700 MASL

Variety Pink Bourbon

Process Natural Midnight Bloom (CM)

Natural Midnight Bloom (CM)

  • Collection and classifications of cherries (95% ripe and 5% semi-ripe).
  • Anaerobic fermentation in sealed tanks with CO2 injection for 200 hours at a constant temperature of 18° C. A mosto from previous Pink Bourbon cherries is added into the fermenting tanks as well as a live culture obtained by isolating microorganisms of plants that grow in the farm, in this case cardamon. This is similar to a ‘compost tea’
  • 1st stage of drying happens on African beds inside polytunnels for approximately 20 days until the cherries reach 25% humidity. Maximum temperature of 40° C.
  • 2nd drying stage; the cherries dry under partial shade inside polytunnels for approximately 5 days.
  • A final stabilisation stage happens at the end where the cherries are placed inside GrainPro bags in cool and dry rooms for 15 days before threshing and shipping.

Sebastián Ramírez

El Placer Farms

The “El Placer” Farms Project was founded by Sebastián Ramírez with the mission of producing complex, desirable, and delicious coffees. The name "El Placer," meaning "The Pleasure" in English, reflects the joy and satisfaction embodied in the farm’s coffees. Nestled in the heart of El Eje Cafetero (the Coffee Zone) in Calarcá, Quindío, the farm’s elevation of 1,744 metres above sea level plays a crucial role in creating its unique flavour profiles.

Sebastián, a fourth-generation coffee producer, embarked on his coffee journey 14 years ago. Managing his parents’ farm provided him with valuable experience and laid the foundation for the El Placer Farms Project. Initially starting with his family’s farm, the project has grown to include partner farms owned by small coffee producers in Quindío and Huila, such as Andalucía, La Sofía, La Carito, and La Paz.

The El Placer Farms Project now spans five coffee farms across the Eje Cafetero, including Calarcá, Tebaida, Pueblo Tapado, Montenegro, and San Adolfo. These farms are situated at altitudes ranging from 1,200 to 2,100 metres above sea level (MASL), contributing to the diverse and rich flavour profiles of their coffees.

The “El Placer” Farms Project, founded by Sebastián Ramírez, produces exceptional coffees through innovative farming and processing techniques, while fostering sustainability and inspiring the next generation of coffee producers.

El Placer farm itself is located at an altitude between 1,590 and 1,740 MASL in Calarcá, a municipality in eastern Quindío. The farm’s lush, rolling hills are planted with high-quality coffee varieties, including Pink Bourbon, Geisha, Bourbon Sidra, and Wush Wush. Sebastián places significant emphasis on fermentation processes, collaborating closely with Q-Graders and Q-Processing professionals to refine protocols and enhance coffee quality. As a passionate and innovative producer, Sebastián also dedicates his time to rescuing and caring for dogs, often naming his coffee lots after them.

The Processing Centre, “El Placer Farms Hacienda Córcega Beneficio Center,” is located in Quimbaya and equipped with state-of-the-art technology. This centre enables the farms in the project to employ cutting-edge coffee processing techniques, ensuring consistency and quality in every batch.

A cornerstone of the El Placer Farms Project is the Generational Relief initiative. This programme aims to educate and inspire young individuals to pursue careers in coffee production, fostering a new generation of skilled and passionate coffee producers. By investing in education and mentorship, the initiative ensures the sustainability and growth of the coffee industry for years to come.

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