Luis Anibal Calderón Primitivo
Luis Anibal Calderón Primitivo
Luis Anibal Calderón Primitivo

Luis Anibal Calderón Primitivo

Filter • Experimental & complex

Complex and deep notes of ripe plum, tropical fruits, papaya and light floral.

Regular price€25,00
Tax included.

Producer: Luis Anibal Calderón, Villa Betulia

Region: Acevedo, Huila

Altitude: 1500–1600 MASL

Variety: Bourbon Primitivo

Process: Natural EF2

Natural Extended Fermentation 48 hours (EF2)


After harvesting, only ripe cherries are handpicked and placed in fermentation tanks or bags. They remain there for approximately 36 to 48 hours. During this process, the temperature is controlled and maintained within a specific range of 22-28°C. This ensures consistent and controlled fermentation.


Following fermentation, the coffee beans are spread out on raised beds to dry under sunlight. The ambient temperature is kept between 20-30°C, and the relative humidity is maintained between 50-60%. The time required for drying may vary between 12 to 18 days, depending on the weather conditions and the degree of bean maturity.

Finca Villa Betulia

Luis Anibal Calderón

Luis Anibal Calderón, a second-generation coffee grower from Acevedo, Huila, has overcome countless obstacles to become one of the most successful specialty coffee producers in Colombia. Luis Anibal started working in the coffee fields at the age of 12 on the family farm. His hard work and passion for coffee was noticed. When he turned 15, his father gave him a small plot of land where he worked and eventually saved enough money to purchase his first coffee farm.

However, he faced financial difficulties when he took out a loan to purchase a neighbouring property, and the C-price began to drop. As a result, he had to sell the farm he had dreamed about to pay back a large portion of the loan.

Despite these challenges, Luis Anibal was determined to improve his financial situation and joined his town’s Specialty Coffee Association, Primaveral, where they pay 15% higher than C-price for his cherries. However, it wasn’t enough. He took the risk and began 5000 Gesha trees. A few years later, it was evident that the extra effort was worth it, and he decided to change his entire farm to cultivate exotic coffee varieties.

In 2019, Luis Anibal began planting native trees amongst his coffee trees to reduce the need for fertilisers, preserve his soil, and improve his cup quality. He continues to innovate and inspire other growers in the specialty coffee industry with his innovation and hard work.

His risk-taking effort paid off, transforming his farm to cultivate only exotic coffee varieties.

Coffee variety

Bourbon Primitivo

Luis Anibal discovered the Bourbon Primitivo variety on his farm, Villa Betulia, while walking through the coffee plantation. He noticed a tree that looked different from the surrounding trees and had a unique structure. After harvesting the cherries and cupping the coffees, he was surprised by the quality, which inspired him to cultivate crops from that tree.

The Bourbon Primitivo tree's branches grow upward and produce small, yellow cherries.

Luis and his family named the newly discovered coffee "Bourbon Primitivo" (primitive), meaning original or primary from their farm. Currently, Bourbon Primitivo coffee is only available from Luis Anibal’s farm.

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